Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mucus Before Periods Sign Of Pregnancy ~cervical Mucus Before Period~?

~cervical mucus before period~? - mucus before periods sign of pregnancy

My AF is due. Has not yet come. But I can not do a certain amount of CM every time I wipe with toilet paper? Is this a sign AF is soon? I've heard so many different branches. I mean, I never paid much attention to this during my previous business cycles, I was just curious. Thank you in advance.
and yes, we TTC.Month 1st try everything I can learn!


Trisha said...

It is not unusual for a period of delay have. Sometimes stress can be a delay of several days late. I would wait at least another week to test and, because it takes time for hCG levels to build, to give a positive result.

As for the CM, if it is slimmiest the best time for dancing baby, because when you most fertile?

Good luck and baby dust both!

silly willy said...

Trisha is absolutely right! As an MC is very clear and elasticity is the best time to try.

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